FAMEAIS Master's Theses and Internships Sharing System

The FAMEAIS Master's Theses and Internships Sharing System aims to offer a platform to facilitate the link between students, academic partners, laboratories, and industries' professionals.

This platform targets four groups of people. FAMEAIS students, FAMEAIS academic staff, associated partners, and external laboratories & industries. The system is a centralized hub to collaborate effectively.

Explore the proposals

How to use it?

To begin, use the credentials provided by an administrator who has created an account on your behalf to log in.

(Contact the FAMEAIS administrator for any technical support.)

Students: (Chosing proposals.)

★ Search for master's theses proposals and internships based on various criteria, including keywords, disciplines, research areas, etc.

★ Select your 3 choices and validate them to make them visible to the administrative staff.

Academic staff: (Publishing Master's Theses Proposals & Internships.)

★ Create, edit, and publish master's thesis proposals, including project details, objectives, prerequisites, etc.

★ Proposals can be categorized based on academic disciplines, research areas, or specific faculty members.

★ You can also specify the number of available slots for each proposal (1-2).

Associated partners and external laboratories & industries: (Publishing Internship Opportunities.)

★ Create, edit, and publish internship proposals with a detailed description, eligibility criteria, application deadlines, etc.

★ Internships can be categorized by industry, location, duration, and required skills.

★ You can also specify the number of available slots for each proposal (1-2).

Explore the proposals